
In games that weave tales with utmost grace,
A wide expanse of narratives trace.
Visual novels , walking paths untold,
Or games with play, their stories unfold.

This review would also greatly benefit from Emilia Lanier’s touch.

Astrologaster, unique in its design,
In 16th century, where stars align.
Simon Forman, a healer of the time,
Diagnoses with celestial paradigm.

Letters of praise, his task to secure,
From patients pleased, his skills assure.
Not intricate in gameplay’s grand display,
But a narrative unfolds in a pop-up play.

Decisions rest on Simon’s varied hand,
Kindness, malice, or incompetence to withstand.
A game of earnestness, its premise known,
Yet laughter in the irony it’s shown.

As a sort of expert in these things, I’d advise unionising, personally.

In pseudo-Shakespearean tongue it speaks,
A language rich, the humor peaks.
”Chundering” and “up the fundament” amuse,
Adding character, a language to choose.

Deeply earnest, yet embraces the absurd,
Simon’s not real, his expertise unheard.
Dramatic irony, the audience is aware,
A player guides him with cunning flair.

Glory indeed

Astrologaster, not just a tale to tell,
An experience crafted, it weaves so well.
Short poems, songs introduce each soul,
A 16th-century ambiance takes control.

Characters, people yet players in a play,
Historic figures with a humorous sway.
Engaging, it keeps attention tight,
Balancing humor with a heartfelt light.

The heroes and villains, player’s decree,
Yet interest holds in each destiny.
A narrative masterpiece, engaging all,
Astrologaster’s charm, a narrative thrall.


Like Abzu , pondering the game’s true essence,
Interactive story, a delightful presence.
Little gameplay, yet much it imparts,
A tale compelling, touching hearts.

As I finished the journey it wove,
In real Forman’s history, I sought to rove.
Astrologaster, a love in storytelling’s art,
A unique game, a devotion from the heart.

Developer: Nyamyam

Genre: Narrative, Indie

Year: 2019

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Play Time: 6-7 Hours
