
I like when this expedition through my Steam library brings me to a genre I haven’t played yet, especially when we are, at this point, several dozen games in. This new genre is a hybrid tower defense and real-time strategy, and it is interesting.

An example of gameplay

CastleStorm is a hybrid real-time strategy and tower defense game. You play as one of a number of characters in various storylines who defend the kingdom from extremely rude barbarians. You do this by building an impregnable castle and equipping yourself with soldiers, projectiles, and a hail mary hero who can save you when all of the previous elements fail.

My impregnable castle is named Frank!

The concept is fairly simple, and the gameplay tends to also be fairly straightforward and easy. As with many tower defense games, the intricacies lie in the planning and preparation, and then watching things bounce off each other. In CastleStorm, the player also has to use their various elements - such as soldiers or projectiles - to aid in their defense, but none of it gets too terribly complex. That said, it’s a game with a lot of moving pieces, and a lot to keep track of. This isn’t a bad thing - I enjoyed it immensely - but it is a distinct difference from most tower defense games that sets it more firmly in RTS territory.

This is an extremely useful weapon.

In being a hybrid of two genres, CastleStorm doesn’t necessarily excel at either. Its pace is a little too slow to be a great RTS, and its planning is a little too barebones to be a great tower defense game. This is not to say CastleStorm is not a good game for what it is. By blending elements, it manages to be a fun little game that is highly reminiscent in style, gameplay, and writing of mobile games. It’s in fun little chunks that make up a bigger story, but are just as fun in small bites.

The writing is a lot of fun.

CastleStorm doesn’t excel in any particular area. It’s not a paragon of any particular genre, nor is it the best example I have seen of any one element. Rather, in being an amalgamation of a lot of elements it gets right, it is great at being what it is. CastleStorm is good fun, sometimes a little too easy, but the writing and design keep the player engaged and enjoying themselves throughout.

Developer: Zen Studios

Genre: Real-Time Strategy, Tower Defense

Year: 2013

Country: Hungary

Language: English

Play Time: 7 Hours
